Monday, February 1, 2010

Kristen Stewart


Full Name: Kristen Jaymes Stewart
Birthplace: Los Angeles, California
Age: 19
Birthday: April 9, 1990

Kristen Stewart is young, beautiful actress. She's making a huge name for herself by starring in the movie version of the best-selling book Twilight, along with its follow-ups, such as New Koon.

Stewart has also appeared in movies such as Jumper and Panic Room. She was born in Los Angeles and loves to surf and play the guitar. The actress also owns three dogs.

While fans may embrace Stewart for her film roles, they are also interested in her love life. The actress has been linked with co-star Robert Pattinson.


They'll soon reunite for Eclipse and Breaking Dawn, but Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson have taken a little break from one another.

(Just on-screen, breathe easy Robsten fans.)

Pattinson is starring alongside Emile de Ravin in Remember Me, a romantic drama that premieres in March.

Stewart, meanwhile, takes on the role of iconic rocker Joan Jett in The Runaways. She anchors the film with Dakota Fanning, who plays Cherie Currie, as the musical pair rise to fame as part of one of the first-ever female bands.

The movie opens at the Sundance Film Festival this Sunday. Check out a few shots of Stewart below, in a role the polar opposite of Bella Swan...

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